SIVU Live Podcast: Professionalism

SIVU Live Podcast: Professionalism

Speaker, Presenter

Prof. Dr. Gohar Wajid, Prof. Shabih H Zaidi, Prof. Yadollah Zarezadeh
Moderator: Dr. Mubbashir Iftikhar

I would like to stress on the the challenges of assessment of professionalism and if I want to have a definition of professionalism first I would say that it is the habitual and careful use of communication knowledge technical skills clinical reasoning emotions values and and reflection and reflective practice in the daily practice of any professional for the benefit of patients and the community so this is what I think about professionalism but at the same time I know that professionalism mean different things to different people in different and they see the different aspects of it.
Thank you so I feel that we can expand it further that it’s not just we talking about the mannerism but we’re also talking about other things and we start learning about ethical practices and etiquette and mannerism right at the at Mother’s knee that’s the first stage when we born we start with certain things we learn like mannerism and that then multiplies and expands over a period of time and when you become professional those things which are ingrained into a system like mannerism cultural values religious values all those factors combined together amplify at the stage when we enter a medical school or a nursing school or physiotherapy any health service so then it’s the thing that’s grounded in our nature it becomes a part of a habit that is Amplified and in a way from a granular state it becomes more complex as we learn from our teachers our role models which is a very important I’d like to discuss about Role Models as we move on what is the value of role model and then curriculum and then the hidden curriculum and all those factors combined to together and I think in my view most important thing is that we learn from each other we remember values and practices and habits etc from our colleagues in the profession all along the way you learn from Seniors and juniors and that combined together gives you the attribute of professionalism which cannot be defined in one word it’s it’s ……………………… …………………………


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