Faculty Development for Medical (or Clinical) Education

Faculty Development for Medical (or Clinical) Education

Speaker, Presenter

Prof. Susan Jamieson Professor of Health Professions Education (Medicine)

Susan Jamieson, BSc (lions), PhD, PG Cert (HE), EdD, SFHEA, is Professor of Health Professions Education at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Her original background was in cancer research, but from the mid-90s she became increasingly involved in medical education, initially as a lecturer and lab leader, then in curriculum management, first as Director for Year 1 and ultimately as Deputy Head of the UG Medical School at Glasgow (2013-16).

For 10 years she ran the medical school’s training programme for PBL facilitators (2006-16), delivered teaching skills workshops for local educators, and participated in peer observation of teaching. From 2014-16 she represented Glasgow Medical School in the national group responsible for implementing the General Medical Council’s ‘Recognition of ‘Mainers’ initiative in Scotland; this initiative aimed to raise expectations and standards around training for medical educator roles — essentially to professionalise that aspect of medical practice.

From 2015, Professor Jamieson led the development of the University of Glasgow’s fully online part-time master’s programme in Health Professions Education, which cturently has about 100 students from different parts of the globe. She has also led the development of online resources for local educators, and most recently a micro-credential in Teaching Healthcare Professionals. She supervises doctoral students in medical education and has published on various educational topics.




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