Tailoring personalized medicine in the current era of an increasing cancer surge

Tailoring personalized medicine in the current era of an increasing cancer surge

Speaker, Presenter

Dr. Syed Muhammad Qasim Jaffery

Key objectives covered:
1. Understanding the principles of personalized medicine in oncology.
2. Identifying genetic and molecular factors that contribute to cancer development.
3. Learning how to assess a patient’s genetic and genomic profile for tailored
4. Evaluating the role of targeted therapies and immunotherapies in cancer treatment.
5. Exploring the potential of liquid biopsies for real-time monitoring of cancer
6. Discussing the ethical and social implications of personalized medicine in cancer care.
7. Examining the latest advances in precision oncology, such as CRISPR gene editing and CAR-T cell therapy.
8. Recognizing the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in delivering
personalized cancer treatment.
9. Formulating a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and limitations of personalized medicine in cancer management.

Delighted to be part of this webinar and to share some thoughts and so that we can

have a discussion later on on this as well. Without any further delay, lets dive into the topic.  I selected this topic for a reason that in my practice as a urologist at the University Hospital Galway, in the west of Ireland I actually started seeing a sudden surge of
cancer which was not evident in the past. I’ve been practicing here for the last 25 years and I used to see a very slow surge of cancer especially in the GU cancer but recently I’ve seen a significant surge so I thought that you know there has to be some reasons
but that’s another day’s discussion what are the reasons for this cancer surge but let’s see what we can do to minimize and control this surge so that uh the humanity can benefit from it so hence uh this topic uh which I’ve selected for this so just to give you a glimpse, I divided my  talk into main three parts first of all just to look at the incidence of cancers all around and what are the predictive rise in the cancer which we will be seeing in the coming years if we don’t do anything about it and how to control it and then related to my field that is Urology I would like to share some of those things  which would be important and then to understand what personalized medicine means and how that can help in controlling this surge so you know once have the surge you have to find a way around how to deal with that so just to see the incidence um there’ll be very quick slides initially just to see what’s happening in the world and how the cancer is rising so the new cancer rose by about 2.3% compared to 2020 and it to reach 2 74 million in 2022 similarly the cancer deaths went up to about 2.4% compared to 2020 and according to the European commission estimated published uh in the European cancer information these are the statistics in October 23 breast cancer obviously remains the most diagnosed cancer in EU and I’ll tell you why I am just giving you the stats of the EU because in European Union this is the most properly done surveys and very closely LED data which they have followed up so United States and the North American states have all also have got a very good data collection but EU seems to be quite niche in that, chest cancer obviously comes second prostate cancer and then the lung cancer so the four most common cancers cause of death in EU are estimated to be the lung that is about n nearly 20% of all the cancer death followed by…………………………………………………


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