Cochlear implants: A miracle of technology for the deaf

Deafness and Hearing Impairment (HI), A remediable malady & Cochlear implants: A miracle of technology for the deaf

Speaker, Presenter

Prof. Shabih H Zaidi, Prof. Musheer Hussain, Prof.  Patricia Castellanos Rodríguez de Muñoz, Dr. Riaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Asst: Prof. Dr. Habeeb Shuhaib, Prof. Dr. Shahid Hassan, Dr. Haroon Zafrullah Khan, Mr.  Noweed Ahmad

On behalf of SIVU: al Sadiq International Virtual University, welcome you all to this what
I hope will be a phenomenal session a webinar on a very very tricky subject of deafness impairment which has which is which I call a Melody which can be treated I borrowed this word from the famous book written by what is his name the Emperor of all maladies by I think somebody who works for Colombia with Azra so that was about cancer but I think deafness in hearing impairment is a remediable malady we can prevent it we can also control it can also treat it and if you cannot we at least we can rehabilitate so that’s the whole thing


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